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Variables supported by all features

{{SERVER_DOMAIN_NAME}}Server Name + Port
{{AP_NAME}}Name of your Ragic account
{{SHEET_NAME}}Sheet name
{{TITLE_FIELD}}Name of the title field
{{RECORD_ID}}Record ID
{{RECORD_SUMMARY}}Summary of the record
{{TITLE_VALUE}}Field value of the title field
RECORD_MAIL_MERGE_{{mail merge id}}
RECORD_MAIL_MERGE_NAME_{{mail merge id}}
The parameter for attachment
{{FIELD ID}}Field value. The variable does not support subtable fields.
{{FIELD NAME}}Field value. The variable does not support subtable fields. If there are duplicated field names on the sheet, please use {{FIELD ID}}.
{{USERNAME_FIELD ID}}User name. The variable does not support subtable fields.
{{USERNAME_FIELD NAME}}User name. The variable does not support subtable fields.
{{GROUPUSERS_FIELD ID}}Group user email. The variable does not support subtable fields.
{{GROUPUSERS_FIELD NAME}}Group user email. The variable does not support subtable fields.
{{RAWURL_URL FIELD ID}}Raw html text. The variable does not support subtable fields.
{{RAWURL_URL FIELD NAME}}Raw html text. The variable does not support subtable fields.

Variables supported by some features

VariablesDescriptionE-mail this entryAuthentication e-mail for new usersShared view notificationSending mass e-mailEntry reviewAuthentication e-mail for guest usersReminderSend custom e-mail
{{COMPANY_NAME}}Company name.Retrieves the company name from the company settings; for on-premises, it is displayed as 'their'.
{{COMPANY_NAME_SUFFIX}}Possessive Form of Company name.This variable is only supported in the online servers.
{{USER_NAME}}Sender name
{{USER_EMAIL}}Sender email
{{IDENTIFICATION_LINK}}The identification link for new user
{{FILTER_NAME}}Filter name
{{DEFAULT_REPLY_TO}}Default reply address
Production: Reply to the email history of the record
On-premises: Reply to SMTP_SENDER_EMAIL
{{REMINDER_NAME}}Reminder name
{{DATE_FIELD_NAME}}Name of reminder field
{{REMINDER_DATE}}Reminder date
{{DAYS}}"Days" before or after reminder date
{{BEFORE_OR_AFTER}}Days "before" or "after" reminder date
{{MAGIC_RECORD_LINK_READONLY}}Magic link of the record (read only)
{{MAGIC_RECORD_LINK_WRITABLE}}Magic link of the record (editable)

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